Wednesday, June 11, 2008

New Version of QA Distiller

Last month Yamagata Europe released a new version of QA Distiller, a translation QA tool.

New features
  • Automatic software updates
  • Batch processing from command line
  • Full results log file
  • Match rate displayed in error list
  • Checks for hard spaces
  • Support for TMX user fields
  • Support for TBX term status
  • Improved regular expression syntax
  • Better font handling in TTX files
  • Improved stability TMX editor

Monday, April 21, 2008

Validation system for Multilizer

In addition to the stand-alone QA tools available on the market, several modern translation memory or localization programs offer their own quality verification tools, including those that come with, for example, SDLX and TagEditor.

Multilizer has recently announced enhancements to its translation QA system: 

The configurable translation validation system supports implementing company best practices and contains also pre-defined recommended rule sets for common translation tasks.


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Crimson files for translation quality patent

According to the following Business Wire press release (ISO 14971-Certified Risk Management System Yields First Labeling Translation Patent), Crimson, a division of TransPerfect, has filed for a patent about a method for “analyzing, evaluating, and controlling risk of language errors in connection with medical device labeling.”

More details about this method and the patent application can be found on Crimoson's Risk Management web page.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Quality Doesn't Matter (as a differentiator)?

I didn't go to the ATA conference in San Francisco, so I missed Renato Beninatto's presentation "Quality Still Doesn't Matter".

I recommend reading the presentation (although of course it can only contain the gist of what the actual presentation was like): behind the provocative title, I think it has interesting things to say.